Thursday, October 27, 2011

Intrapersonal Discovery at the Intracoastal

I would like to share with you all, a groundbreaking discovery of mine this week while sitting on the Intracoastal Waterway seawall.  Every day I have overlooked such an amazing place to take my thoughts and run with them, sometimes literally, with the many runners along the sidewalk there.  I definitely hit a wall these past days, and I’m thankful that I was able to climb the "wall" and sit upon it this week. 

Sitting on the Seawall at Intracoastal
I'm not saying that the seawall is some magical place. It was just a place, as I walked back from class, where I was able to take two seconds of my day to find peace.  In the midst of the chaotic life, with work, school and relationships, God was giving me a chance to be content.  Really, how difficult should it be to take ten minutes a day to breathe deeply among all the congestion we are surrounded by in life?  I don't find it a coincidence that fall break is coming up Friday for us all to relax after midterms.  As we enjoy wonderful festivities, family and friends, let us break from any burdens or sins hanging us down. 

View of Palm Beach Island

Recently, I have felt a great need to satisfy others around me, like my parents, friends, and professors.  I also have felt like I haven't had time for personal hobbies and interests, or even sleep, all of which keep me from being cranky.  The best ways that I find myself relaxing are through reading, writing and spending time appreciating nature.  Where ever you find tranquility, be it in the company of others or the privacy of your room, I challenge you to increase your flow of life and simply appreciate God’s goodness
With that said, I have a short story about being surrounded by God's goodness. 

Last night as I was walking back from a meeting, I passed Christian Sampson, a Sailfish Dinning employee, walking and talking about the Word as always with his Bible.  I said hello and asked him how he was, and his answer touched me when he said "Blessed."  All of a sudden, tears rolled down from my eyes in such gratitude as I walked home. We typically answer that question with "Good." or "Fine, thanks." Christian's genuine response was so real to me.  Whatever is going on in life, through the ups and downs, we really are blessed. 
Where do you find tranquility on or near the PBA campus?


  1. Thank you for this...really nice and encouraging to read these words! It is surely something that we can all relate to, and a lesson that everybody can take to heart and benefit from!!

  2. Thank you! I know a lot of my friends were dealing with a lot before break as well. It's always hopeful to know that somebody is going through the same stuff and make it through.
